A lady had come to a little country town at the time of their big country ball. She was staying with a friend who she was to go with to the ball. The evening of the big night, her friend became sick.

The city woman decided to go any way. Her friend gave her a few pointers about what to expect at the ball. One of the pointers was that the toilets were somewhat different to what she was used to in the city.

When she got to the ball, after a while she needed to go to the toilet. She asked where they were and was told they were upstairs down the corridor and on the right.

After a while she got lost but found a big room with giant holes in the floor. Having remembered what her friend told her, she thought that they must have been the toilets and went about her business.

When she was finished she walked downstairs to see the room was empty. She walked outside and asked a young man why everyone was standing outside.

The young man replied "You mustn't have been in there when the shit hit the fan!"


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