Look for the jokes and spanning the whole world in three languages, English, Hinglish and Hindi! Get latest jokes about politics, bollywood, office, husband and wife, and several other types set in a category wise lists. Share jokes with your friends and your social circle via Facebook, Google+, Whatsapp and more!
Get all the latest Sardarji jokes in one place.
Get all the jokes doing the rounds in the political arena.
Well, we are not biased for any gender. But that does not mean you have cannot have jokes on women. Here are some great jokes on women in general.
Well, theives are a special kind of very smart people with a clear thinking process of their own. What do they have in mind? Learn them here and get all the jokes on thieves.
The profession of teaching is a greatly satisfying work and it helps a lot. You come across a lot of situations when everything goes just so hilariously in a classroom that you cannot stop our laughter. Here are some collections to count for.
In the life of a common man, things are never serious. Starting from birth until the common man dies, everything remains so so common that you can make fun of almost everything. Some of such jokes can be found here.
There is a red, there is white and there is also pink! Here are some of the pinkies you wanted to drop amidst a closer group of yours to get and give the kick.
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A child is a father of man. So, they say. In their nascent intelligence and various types of analogies the children draw while learning the ways of fending for themselves in this world, there occurs instances and events that will make you laugh. Some of such moments have been captured here.
Here is a collection of jokes happening in the real life of the reel life stars!
All jokes on the interplay of doctors and patients.
Jokes on the relationship of husband and wife are more hilarious. Here are some of such jokes that can get you turned on in case you are getting bored.