Making New Year s Resolutions Work

1. Why are New Year s resolutions such notorious failures and more troublesome than they re worth?

2. Why do people make New Year s Resolutions in the first place?

3. Do you find that people usually make too many New Year s Resolutions?

4. Don t you think trying too hard to accomplish something often results in failure?

5. Is it possible to become addicted to unhappiness, failure and negative habits?

6. You say phrases like "I m not going to overeat, I won t procrastinate anymore, I will stop eating Snickers bars" don t work. Why?

7. What s the best way to formulate New Year s Resolutions to increase the chances for their success?

8. Doesn t your well known "Keying Process" help people change habits a lot easier?

9. "Keying" could also be used to better a person s health, couldn t it?

10. What is "De-briefing" and why is it so important?

11. What specific "Refocusing Techniques" can a person use?

12. So your motto, "You can always have a good day!" is really a true possibility, isn t it?


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