A guy is speeding down a highway and he gets pulled over. The cop says, "You were speeding."
The guy says, "No I wasn't, I was just going slow."
The guy's wife in the Passenger seat says, "No officer, He was speeding the whole time."
The guy glares at his wife and says, "Shut up!"
The cop says, "I see your seat belt is off. May I ask why?"
The guy says, "Well I saw you were gonna pull me over and you were gonna ask for my license, so I took it off and got it out."
The guy's wife says, "No officer. He has had the seat belt off the whole time."
The guy says to his wife, "What is wrong with you?"
The cop leans over to the wife and asks, "Is he always this mean to you?"
The wife says, "Only when he's drunk."


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