A Little kid was having a problem with his homework.

Dad, he asked, "What is the difference between anger and exasperation?"

"Well, son," said his father, "I'll give you a practical demonstration."

His father picked up the phone and dialled a number.

"Hello," said a voice at the other end.

"Hello," said his father. "Is Melvin there?"

"There is no one called Melvin here!" the voice replied. "Why don't you look up numbers before you dial them?"

"You see?" said kid's father. "That man was not at all happy with our call. Now watch this!"'

He then dialled the number again, and says, "Hello, is Melvin there?"

"Now look here!" the voice said angrily. "I told you there is no Melvin here! You have got a lot of nerve calling again!"

"Did you hear that?" kid's father asked. "That was anger. Now, I will show you what exasperation is!"

He dialled once again. And on hearing the voice at the other end, he said, "Hello! This is Melvin. Have there been any calls for me?"


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