Travis Bogumill, a construction worker in Eau Claire, Wis., was shot with a nail gun that drove a 3 1/4 inch nail all the way into his skull, and the only difference he can see is that he's not quite the math whiz he used to be.
A co-worker accidentally bumped his head with the gun, and the nail went in so deep that the only thing visible was a small hole in Bogumill's scalp.
He remained conscious, turned to his co-worker and said, "You just nailed me in the head, Bogumill recalled. He said, it felt like somebody was smacking my head repeatedly with a hammer."
Doctors told Bogumill that he shouldn't have been able to walk or talk after the accident, and that they're baffled why he wasn't knocked unconscious.

The nail lodged in an area of the brain typically involved in processing math according to Dr. John Lamoureux.
"You could give me two two digit numbers and I could multiply them within seconds in my head. But now you give me a piece of paper and multiplying 56 by 23 is still difficult," Bogumill said.


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