New York City - Mohammad Rahman, 36, Brooklyn, racked up three accidents on his second day on a new job as a new cab driver.
It all started at 9 a.m. when, cops say, he rammed into a parked car. Rahman said the car rammed into his cab, he even called police to report the accident.
An hour later, Rahman said he paused for a light. He got nervous, though, when the light changed and that cars started to honk while he waited for pedestrians to clear the crosswalk.
I got confused, and my feet just slipped from the brake to the accelerator, Rhaman said. That's when he struck a 22-year-old man from New Jersey.
When police showed up and began converging on his cab, Rahman ran into another car. Cops said he was leaving the scene, but he said he was only trying to park his taxi so it wouldn't block traffic. Rahman is looking for another line of work.


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