Banta came into the bar, with a big scowl on his face, and ordered a drink.
The bartender says, "You look a mite angry. What's wrong?"
Banta says, "Well, I was in bed with this gal, and we heard her husband coming in, so I jumped out the window and held on to the window sill. He came over to the window and saw me, and got this big shit-eating grin on his face.
Bartender says, "Well, that would make me angry, too, Banta."
"You don't understand, that's not what made me mad."
"Well, what happened then?"
Banta says, "Then he started banging on my fingers, trying to make me lose my grip."
Bartender says, "Well, that would make me mad too."
"You don't understand, that's not what made me mad."
"Well, what happened then ?"
Banta says, "Then he got a hammer and started hitting my fingers."
"Ah, then THAT's when you got mad, huh?"
"You still don't understand, that's not what made me mad. The pain was so bad that I had to let go of the window sill."
"Oh, I see now. THAT's when you got mad."
"No," sighed Banta. "I got mad when I fell 6 inches to the ground."


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