One day Banta walks into a dingy little storefront travel agency, holds up a page out of a newspaper, and says: "You say in this ad that you have a wonderful luxury cruise for only Rs 5000. I want to go on this wonderful luxury cruise."
The guy behind the counter says "Sure. Do you have five thousand in cash??"
"I sure do," says Banta, plunking the money down on the counter.
At that point, two big thugs leap out of a closet, whack Banta over the head, drag his unconscious body out the back door, stuff him in a barrel and drop the barrel into a river that flows past.
A few moments later, Santa walks into the same dingy storefront travel agency, holds up the newspaper ad and says: "I want to go on this wonderful luxury cruise."
The guy behind the counter says: "Sure, you got the fare in cash?"
"Yeah" says Santa, slapping the money on the counter.
Again, the two big thugs leap out, pound him on the head, drag his limp form out the back door, shove him in a barrel and drop it in the river.
After a while, Santa and Banta regain consciousness, and they find out that their barrels are bobbing along together.
Banta says: "Good Afternoon. Tell me, do you happen to know if they serve dinner on this cruise?"
Santa shakes his head and says: "No, I don't think so. At least they didn't last year."


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