Banta Singh and Santa Singh enrolled at the astronaut-training program at Houston, Texas. Before starting the program, the coordinator warned them that they would not be allowed a drop of alcoholic drink during the program and that they had to certify this in writing.
Both agreed to this condition and began their training. After 2 months, both of them began to desperately crave for alcohol. They hatched up several schemes like trying to bribe the guard, but he would have none of it.They tried to escape into the town adjacent to the training center, but were nabbed.
One night Banta said to Santa "Oye Santa, Ive got an idea. Remember what they taught us this morning about rocket fuel? It contains a huge proportion of alcohol! Now, if we could just steal some of it and mix it with soda, it will taste like a whiskey soda!".
Santa agreed and the next day they stole 2 liters of the fuel and mixed it with soda, cooked some tandoori chicken, drank their fuel-soda and had a great time. At the end of the evening Banta left for his room and said that hed ring Santa in the morning so they could have tea together.
The next morning, Banta rang up Santa and asked "Oye Santa tu hale toitet to nahin gaya?" (hope you have not been to the loo yet) Santa: "nahin" (no) Banta "Je jaega tau Amritsar de val mooh rakhna, mai Tokyo to boal reha hoon" (when you go try and face Amritsar [the hometown] I am in Tokyo)


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