Santa is going out of town and needs to board his horse for a couple of months.
So he asks a local farmer about it and the farmer says, "Sure, but I charge rupess 500 per week, and I keep the manure."
Santa told him that he can't afford this much, so the farmer refers him to another farmer, down the road.
When approached with the request, the farmer said said, "Yup, I can do it for rupees 400 a week, and I keep the manure."
This is still too much for our Santa , and the farmer suggests that he try Banta.
When our desperate Santa asks Banta, he is surprised to hear, "Sure. I'll be glad to do it for rupees 50 per month."
With delight, Santa exclaimed, "WOW! I suppose for that price you'll want to keep the manure."
Banta looked at Santa with kind of a squint, and says, "For Rupees 50 a month, there ain't gonna be none!"


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