Anti-body - - Against everyone
Artery -- The study of fine paintings
Bacteria -- The back door of a cafeteria
Barium -- What you do after CPR fails
Benign -- What you are after you be eight and before you be ten
Cardiac arrest -- Taken into custody after stealing a coupe Deville
CAT Scan -- Searching for the kitty Cardiology
Advance -- study of poker playing
Cauterize -- To make eye contact with a woman
Cesarean section -- A district in Rome Charlie
Horse -- A 10 to 1 long shot in the Kentucky Derby
Colic -- A sheep dog
Coma -- A punctuation mark Congenital - Friendly
D&C -- Where Washington is
Dilate -- To live long Enema -- Not a friend
Fibula -- A small white lie
G.I. Series -- A baseball game between teams of soldiers
Genes -- What you wear cutting grass
Hangnail -- A coat hook
Impotent - Distinguished, well known
Labor pain -- Getting hurt at work
Medical staff -- A doctor s cane
Morbid -- A higher offer
Nitrates -- Cheaper than the day rate
Node -- Movement of head meaning yes
Organic -- An organ work repairman
Paralyze -- Two far fetched stories
Pharmacist -- A person who makes living in agriculture
Phobopohobia -- Fear of phobias, or fear itself
Pelvis -- A cousin of Elvis
Post-operative -- A letter carrier
Protein -- In favor of young people
Rectum -- Dang near killed em
Scalpel -- What you stand on to clean windows in high rise buildings
Secretion -- Hiding something
Seizure -- A Roman emperor
Tablet -- A small table
Terminal illness -- Getting sick at the airport
Thalassotherophy -- Fear of the sea Tumor -- An extra pair
Urine -- The opposite of "you are out
Vein - Conceited
Varicose - Nearby
Xenophobia -- fear of strangers or foreigners


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