There were three guys on a plane. The first guy just ate an apple and decided to throw it out of the plane. So he threw it out just before they landed. When they landed they saw a little girl crying. They asked her what was wrong.
She said, "I was just sitting here playing when an apple fell out of the sky and hit me in the head."
They said, "That sucks"
Then they took off again and the second guy threw a orange out of the plane. When they landed there was a another little girl crying. They asked her what was wrong and she said the same thing as the other girl except that an orange hit her in the head.
So they took off again and just before they landed the third guy threw a bomb off of the plane. When they landed they saw Banta laughing.
So they asked Banta, "Why are you laughing, what's so funny?"
Banta said, "I farted and my house blew up."


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