The arrest and subsequent events leading to Kanhaiya's conditional interim bail has taught a few things to Kanhaiya and the left brigade in JNU.
As you can see from the following pamphlet as circulated by the JNUSU in the campus on 11th February, 2016. This is signed by all the three non-ABVP JNUSU office bearers, including Kanhaiya Kumar.

Some of the salient points raised in this pamphlet and the current statements coming out of Kanhaiya and the left brigade has been placed here for comparision.
The pamphlate categorically disapproves of the decision by the administration and lodges its protest against it:

"The permission for the cultural evening organized by some individuals titled 'A country without a post office" was withdrawn by the administration just 15 minutes before the programme was about to start. The reason being, ABVP wrote to the VC that 'peace in the campus will be disrupted, if this program is allowed to hapen'. The VC of course did not leash these hooligans, rather obliged to their demand and promptly withdrew the permission for the programe, and denied electricity connection for sound system."

"It was the same narrative of students protesting against Yakub Memon's judicial murder ..."

"The programme, with the participation of hundreds of students, successfully continued till the end, without mic or light."

"For three years in a row, the ABVP has attacked any program that protested against the hurried execution of Afzal Guru - a nervous attempt by the Congress government in the face of rising right-wing tendencies"

Now, look at the current statements made and actions taken by Kanhaiya and others in the left brigade.
- In the juloos taking place in JNU after Kanhaiya got bail, the teachers and others in the campus said things on the loudspeaker to the students to refrain from any un-constitutional slogans.
- Everyone in the left has expressed faith the judiciary, the same judiciary which they accused of "killing" Afzal Guru and Yakub Memon.

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