It started out as just a simple fender-bender but a couple of hours later the driver, Chinnamma Sebastian, 49, Philadelphia, PA, wound up in a hospital in critical condition with multiple injuries. Sebastian stood in a grassy area near the location of the minor accident and watched as her car was hooked to the flatbed of a tow truck, when suddenly the 1988 Mercedes went into reverse and rolled off. The car ran over her and hit the tow truck driver, who suffered minor injuries. It finally stopped when it hit another tow truck.
In Lok Sabha, a Congress MP during his speech told a story.....
"There was a father who gave 100 rupees to each of his 3 sons and asked them to buy things and fill up a room completely.
"First son bought hay for Rs. 100 but couldn't fill the room entirely.
"Second son bought cotton for Rs. 100 but couldn't fill the room entirely.
"Third son bought a candle for Re. 1/- and lit it up and the room was completely filled with light."
The MP added, "Our Prime Minister is like the third son. From the day he has taken charge of his office, our country is filled with the bright light of prosperity"
A voice from the backbench asked: "Where is the remaining Rs. 99?"
A custody battle in Santa Ana, CA, took an unusual turn when the mother of a 3-year-old girl claimed the girl's father is actually a woman. Kristie Vecchione, 27, said her husband became a man through sex-change operations more than 20 years ago. Vecchione, who was impregnated by artificial insemination, wants sole custody of her daughter on claims that same-sex marraiges are not recognized in the state of California.
Gavin Cole of Dublin got onto a bus with three packets of heroin safely hidden in his pocket. You'd have to be a real idot to take the packets out while sitting right there on the bus with everyone else. He did this because he's a bonehead! And while this is stupid enough it just happened that the man sitting next to him was an off-duty drug squad officer.
But wait! There's more. So here he is playing with his heroin next to the officer and his cell phone rings. And
A Politician was arrested for accepting a bribe from a contractor. A friend who went to visit him in the lock-up asked, "How are you going to get out of this mess?" The Politician replied calmly, "I got into trouble for accepting a bribe; I'll get out of it by bribing the person concerned."
After setting sail on a solo voyage around the world, Peter Goss, 35, said an inflamed tendon in his arm began causing problems. Three months into the voyage, he operated on himself to repair the tendon, using a flashlight strapped to his head for illumination and following faxed instructions from a French doctor. "It's a strange sensation slicing away at yourself with a scalp